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How we adapted to the pandemic and put you first

Dec. 14, 2020

How we adapted to the pandemic and put you first

How we adapted to the pandemic and put you first

2020 has not been an easy year for anyone but this has only made us more determined to ensure we support members like you through this pandemic and beyond. Here are some of the key measures we’ve taken to adapt to the ‘new normal’ that 2020 has brought about, while continuing to put members at the heart of everything we do.

How we’ve supported you

Made sure you could still call us
We quickly adapted our telephone system ensuring that we were able to take member calls even while our staff transitioned to working remotely. All of our colleagues, in every department, moved their focus to inbound calls and emails to ensure you were our number one priority.
Created a guide to help members suffering with financial difficulties
Click  here and learn how we can support you with flexible options to help you keep you cover, even if times are tough financially.
Relaxed our Premium Holiday rules 
With a wave of members being furloughed or sadly being made redundant due to the pandemic we relaxed our premium holiday rules, meaning you will only need to pay 3-month premiums before choosing to take a Premium Holiday, rather than 12 months previously.
Improved our Claims Process
To ensure we could speak to you quickly when you need to claim, we also introduced a Claims Triage process. This involves giving members a call within 48 hours to understand their claim enquiry and guide you through the next steps. 
We also created a specialised claims form and produced a member FAQ answering your questions about claiming due to the virus. Click here to read our latest member FAQ.
Boosted our Premium Flexibility
For members who wish to temporarily reduce their premiums due to reduced income we added the benefit reduction option. You can also arrange to defer your premiums for a maximum of 3 months, allowing you to keep your cover during this time. 
After this period, you would need to pay back the premiums owed in instalments alongside your regular premium in a payment plan. You would then have up to 12 months following your deferral to repay the outstanding premiums. Members are able to claim during their deferral period, though premiums that were owed must be re-paid by card payment.
Learn more about these flexible options  here.

There when you need us

We hope these measures we’ve taken reassure you that we’re willing to do whatever it takes to support you during this pandemic and beyond.
As 2020 draws to a close we’d like to encourage you to make the most of the added benefits that you can access alongside your cover through the discretionary Mutual Benefits programme. Do have a look at our Mutual Benefits brochure  here and see how these benefits can benefit you and your loved-ones in 2021.

We would also like to take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the measures highlighted above feel free to drop us an email on or give us a call on 01234 358344 (option 2).