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About Us

We’re a mutual Society and have no shareholders to pay. We are managed and run solely for the benefit of our members.

Founded in 1902 to provide sickness benefits for Commercial Travellers, British Friendly has over a century of experience and expertise in serving its members. We offer a range of products and services to help individuals and families protect themselves from the income shock, illness and injury can cause. You can buy our products through Financial Advisers only. Our products include traditional investment linked Holloway and Century policies as well as Protect and Breathing Space, our pure Income Protection policies. We have also provided and managed the staff benefit fund for British Airways since 2002.

Being insured by a mutual should feel good - not only because we don’t have any shareholders to pay, but because when you choose British Friendly you get more than just Income Protection. We offer access to extra support and rewards for you and your family every day whether you claim or not and at no extra cost through our discretionary Mutual Benefits and BF Care programmes. That’s why, at British Friendly, it really does feel good to be covered.