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Make a Claim

There’s little point in having Income Protection if it doesn’t pay out when you need it which is why we focus on paying as many claims for our members as possible. We pride ourselves on our consistently high claims payment track record - an average of 94% over the last 18 years. We hope it feels good knowing you’re covered with a friendly insurance provider you can trust.

Step 1  - Make a claims enquiry

If you’d like to make a claim, please complete the form below and we’ll call you back. Due to an increase in claims and enquiries, we are currently experiencing a higher volume than usual. For any urgent enquiries, please contact us on 0800 975 6565 or e-mailing and we will aim to get back to you as soon as we can.
We want to give you the best support possible when we contact you, so please provide the following information in the ‘Comments’ section below to help us do this.
  • Your policy number
  • Details of your illness or injury
  • Date of first absence from work due to your illness or injury and how long you’ve been off work for
  • How long you expect to be off work for (if known)
  • Preferred time of day for us to contact you – morning or afternoon
  • If you’re contacting us on behalf of a member, please explain your relationship and provide your contact details.

Step 2  - Complete a claim form

We’ll contact you and send you a claim form to complete and return to us.


Step 3  - Assessing your claim

We will assess the evidence and confirm whether we will be able to accept your claim. We may need extra medical evidence to support the claim.



Step 4  - The claims decision

  • If we accept your claim, we will pay your weekly or monthly benefit payment into your bank account or mortgage provider
  • We will do this until you recover, or your benefit period ends